🌍 Sustainability Professionals - Drive impactful green initiatives and reporting.
🏗️ Engineers - Environmental, manufacturing, chemical, and energy sector engineers optimizing processes.
✅ Compliance & Risk Managers - Ensure adherence to environmental regulations.
🛠️ Product Designers & Managers - Develop eco-friendly designs and sustainable solutions.
💼 Corporate Teams - CSR, supply chain, and strategy professionals integrating sustainability.
🎓 Students & Job Seekers - Gain in-demand skills for careers in sustainability and green jobs.
🚀 Entrepreneurs & Innovators - Build sustainable businesses and market eco-friendly products.
📚 Academicians & Researchers - Expand expertise in sustainability studies and teaching.
Becoming a certified LCA professional is within your reach. Sample certificate is here :
At Green Academy, we go beyond traditional education to provide practical, industry-relevant training that empowers you to excel in the fast-paced world of ESG and corporate sustainability.
Here's why you should choose us:
Our curriculum is designed in collaboration with industry experts to equip you with the latest tools, techniques, and best practices in ESG management.
Engage in experiential learning activities, case studies, and real-world projects that allow you to apply theoretical concepts to practical scenarios.
Learn from experienced faculty members who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise from diverse backgrounds in sustainability, finance, and business management.
We run india's most active ESG community with over 1500 sustainability professionals.
On a daily basis we share knowledge, workshops, discussions to upskill them and generate as many jobs and projects as possible for the community members.
Under our Green Academy we provide courses and workshops on ESG which are taken up by more than 1200+ students, and they are rated as one of the top ESG and sustainbility courses in the country. Beyond this we also help companies prepare with their end to end sustainability needs through Advisory, Technology and Training.
GreenMentor is an organisation dedicated to empowering businesses on their journey towards sustainability. We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to help organizations understand and implement environmentally responsible practices.Our core focus lies in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors.
We help businesses navigate the complexities of ESG, explaining its significance and how it can contribute to long-term success.We offer a variety of services to assist businesses in achieving their sustainability goals.
These include:
Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs): We conduct in-depth analyses to assess the environmental impact of your business operations throughout a product's lifecycle.
Carbon Accounting: We help you measure and understand your carbon footprint, allowing you to identify areas for reduction and develop strategies for achieving net zero emissions.
Net Zero Transition: We guide you through the process of transitioning your business towards net zero emissions, outlining a clear roadmap for carbon neutrality.
ESG Reporting: We assist you in crafting comprehensive ESG reports that transparently communicate your sustainability efforts to stakeholders.
Sustainability Training: We provide educational programs to equip your employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate sustainability into their daily work practices.By partnering with GreenMentor, you gain access to expert guidance and support as you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of sustainability.